Geoscience at Chadron State College

Geoscience degrees are available face-to-face or online. 您的在线课程将与暑期实地经验加强.

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Geoscientists are broadly trained in the physical sciences, 重点是解决与地球过程和资源相关的问题的能力. CSC’s Geoscience degree is field oriented, 也就是说,学生被训练观察和解释自然现象的技能. 我们的地球科学学位将帮助你发展进入石油技术领域的技能, mining, or environmental resource management, or to go on to graduate school in many other fields, such as geophysics or paleontology

Geoscience Online

CSC’s online Geoscience degree is the only one of its kind. 我们认为我们的在线和面对面的学生都有优势,因为他们与世界其他地区的学生一起学习解决问题的技能. 信息时代的合作——在一个没有国界的世界——为地球科学的全球研究提供了个人视角.

分布式的“野外营地”给我们的学生在本科生涯中提供了重要的野外经验, concentrated in three two-week summer sessions. 因此,严格来说,在线学位课程并不是100%在线,因为学生们被要求参加每年5月为期两周的课程. 但是实地经验对于理解地球是如何工作的至关重要,我们认为每年小小的牺牲是值得的. 学生也可以在没有教授直接指导的情况下获得实地经验. 学生们在第一门课程——物理地质学——中开始培养这种自主性,并在整个课程序列中不断努力. 良好的实地实践得到加强,并记录在专业报告的写作中, which are used in every class.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Geoscience different from geology?

Geology is one of the Geosciences, among geophysics, hydrology, oceanography, atmospheric and planetary science. CSC的地球科学项目之所以被称为地球科学,是因为我们提倡在物理科学方面打下坚实的基础,重点是地质学.

What jobs are available with a Geoscience degree?

拥有乍得州立大学的地球科学学位,你可以在一些需求旺盛的领域找到一份工作, including oilfield mudlogging, water quality sampling, GIS mapping technician, geological field assistant or laboratory assistant. Most entry level jobs involve some field work. 如果你决定继续读研究生,你会有更多的地球科学工作机会. In fact, 对于拥有硕士学位的人来说,地球科学领域是增长最快的就业市场之一.

What is field camp?

野外露营是一门关于测绘和野外地质技术的强化课程. 传统上,在地质学或地球科学项目的大三和大四之间进行6学分的实地考察. However, 因为需要引进和加强现场的方法, and the challenges of doing this in the online setting, CSC’s field camp is split into three parts, 学生在大一到大三结束时选修哪门课. 在一年一度的野外露营中,你将练习在课堂上学到的地质学技能, learn new field mapping skills, gain experience working in different parts of the world, and get to know your fellow online and face-to-face students.

How much will a Geoscience degree at CSC cost?

The Business Office has a cost calculator that you can use to estimate your cost of attendance.

How should I prepare in high school?

你应该学习高中物理科学,并尽可能多地学习物理和化学. Where available, it would be a good idea to take a geology, earth-science or integrated science course. Also, get a solid grounding in English composition, 因为地球科学家需要能够清晰地写作和说话.你应该学习高中物理科学,并尽可能多地学习物理和化学. Where available, it would be a good idea to take a geology, earth-science or integrated science course. Also, get a solid grounding in English composition, 因为地球科学家需要能够清晰地写作和说话.

Why do I have to take so many difficult classes?

Geoscience is an applied science; you need to be able to apply the concepts and problem-solving skills of chemistry, physics and math to Earth system concepts. 您的地球科学课程将为您提供丰富的实地观察和理论实践经验. 这是熟练的分析科学和实地观察相结合,将使你成为一个有效的地球科学家.

Can I earn the entire Geoscience degree online?

Mostly. You can take all your classes online except field camp. 如果没有教授的实际指导,你真的不可能在野外很好地解释地质学. 每年五月,你将被要求参加为期两周的野外夏令营. 这个小小的牺牲会对你整个项目的学习产生很大的影响.

Don’t Face-to-Face (F2F) students have an advantage?

We try as much as possible to give all Geoscience students, whether learning F2F or online, the same experiences. 我们通过鼓励F2F学生和在线学生在解决问题的团队中工作来做到这一点, 并在更高层次上发展一个地球科学学生社区. 这提高了学生在两种课程模式下的学习体验.

What opportunities are there for meeting and collaboration?

鼓励所有CSC地球科学学生参加专业会议和实地考察. 学生们经常参加每年的GSA会议,大约在10月底. See GSA会议在北美各地的城市举行,每隔一年在丹佛举行. The department has a three-day field excursion each fall, usually in late September, stopping at various locations in Wyoming and Nebraska. 这个短途旅行可以作为沉积学(奇数年)或岩石和矿物(偶数年)的课程体验。, 但是所有地球科学和科学教育专业的学生都被邀请参加每年春天我们都会参加内布拉斯加州科学院的会议, held at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln. 在本次会议上,物理系顶尖学生展示了他们的研究成果. 对于在线学习课程的学生来说,这是另一个与面对面学习的学生进行专业互动的机会.

Ask a Geoscience Student

你有什么问题要问CSC地球科学项目的学生吗? 请您填写这张表格,我们会尽力给您答复.