Chadron State College's CARE Team is a multi-disciplinary body of stakeholders from across the College which receives referrals pertaining to students of concern, collects additional information, and then identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the situation.

The CARE Team is not for emergencies. If there is an immediate threat to a student (either through self-harm or interpersonal violence) or the campus community, please call the Chadron Police Department or Campus Security at (308) 432-6037.

If you believe a student needs immediate psychological help, you may call CSC Counseling Service for a consultation or to report the incident at (308) 432-6232. If you would like to walk the student directly to Counseling Services, they are located in Crites Hall Room 344. For behaviors that are of concern, either because they are out of character or persistent even after being addressed, a referral to the CARE Team may be the next step.

What We Do?

CARE Team will first collect available information pertaining to the student and the situation from multiple sources in order to determine the most appropriate course of action. The CARE Team’s role is to determine effective strategies for addressing the concern and identifying the responsible parties for enacting those strategies.

What Can be Reported to the CARE Team?

The CARE Team collects information on observable behavior such as:

  1. Unusual or erratic behavior in class, in the residence halls, during advising sessions, etc.
  2. Extended absence from class or activities by a typically engaged student
  3. Written work or creative expression with troubling themes or references
  4. Verbal or written threats made by a student toward another student, faculty, or staff
  5. Written or verbal expressions of suicidal ideation or intent
  6. Other actions which cause an alarm or call into question the safety of the student or their peers.
  7. Basic needs insecurity (food & housing).